Yurii Butusov - editor-in-chief
Why did Putin take away the Russians’ brothers, honor, soul and is now taking away their underwear?
There are two small news items common for Russia and shocking for Ukraine, which clearly show that recently fraternal peoples still differ from each other not in the amount of money, language, or TV matrix.
Authorities in Russia can beat up people - and it does not cause any protests of the society. They are enemies - the TV channels say, which means that they can be treated as rabid animals, which means the laws and regulations do not exist for them, so they can be beat up and it is allowed to destroy their property. Everybody has seen it and it did not cause any protest and compassion. Nobody went to the square to protest.
But the people who are obedient and uncomplaining, can be tortured in any way you like. Morally broken person in the hands of the tyrant becomes soft as clay.
Imagine if somewhere in Lviv or Dnipropetrovsk before a football game the fans' girlfriends and wives were forced by the police to strip naked and squat? I cannot imagine it either. So is it in regard to language or politics do or our views differ?
Russians have great respect for themselves as we do. But unlike us, they do not have any respect for their society and their fellow citizens. Russians do not tolerate humiliation in relation to being offended personally - which is obvious on social networks. But they willingly put up with the humiliation if the authorities diminishes a large number of Russians at once.
A brilliant Soviet film clearly shows through the eyes of Russian classics, what happens to people in Russia, why the authorities need to beat them up and rip off their underwear. Why they enjoy humiliation, and how they manage to accept humiliation as a reward:
"Why would they need freedom? Give them freedom and they'll kill one another".
And here begins the most terrifying: humiliated and powerless in Russia controlled by hate and fear the people get a single outlet to fight for their freedom - not in Russia, not in their own home, but somewhere out there, in another reality, where according to Ostankino (Russia's TV Center) there are even more humiliated slaves, even more powerless, where there are enemies that are even more terrible and vile than Putin's bastards. Mythology creates scary images of Bendera, the Right Sector, the National Guard in accordance with the same patterns, which Goebbels used to create the image of "untermensch." Enemies that are even more vile that Putin's slaves, who are not human, who can only be mercilessly destroyed.
Putin stole from Russia the dream of freedom and the very concept of freedom itself. Putin has taught the Russians that the fight for their freedom is necessary only where he is absent. That the enemy of freedom is anyone, but not him. That the main measure of a man is a salary, pension, status of the language, but certainly not justice, respect or honor. That sense of human dignity, which pushes unarmed people against bullets - is a fiction and political technology created by the enemies.
That is why the Russian propagandists are boasting scanty pensions which are a bit higher than in Ukraine, because they got nothing else. A soul? No. Because the soul always has doubt and compassion. But if the Russian has doubt and compassion - will he allow thugs to beat him up with impunity? Will a person allow himself to be stripped naked to take his place for which he bought a ticket? Will he allow a person to believe in a spooky nonsense propaganda, and go and kill the fraternal Russian speaking people, most of them with relatives in Russia, for the "protection of the Russian language"?
I think that Putin will disappear into oblivion, will join the gallery of Russian tyrants, and the soul of Russia will return. And when people look into this soul, the Russians will be terrified as never before. They killed their brothers. None of their fake priests in the "most golden and expensive" temple will be able to pray away this terrible sin.
While the Ukrainians are fighting for the freedom of their land - the Ukrainian soul is alive, the soul of every Ukrainian is alive. While the Russians are killing Ukrainians - the Russian soul is dead. So will Russia exist, if the absence of the soul means non-existence?.
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