Serviceman of the 30th mechanized brigade of the 8th Army Corps at the front in Luhansk Oblast on July 8.
KYIV, August 14 - Units of Ukraine's National Guard entered the town of Horske in the Luhansk region on Wednesday, Aug. 13 the Ukrainian Interior Ministry said on its Web site.
The anti-terrorist operation (ATO) forces have also liberated from separatists the village of Novosvitlivka in Krasnodon district of Luhansk region, the Іnformator online edition reported, citing a source with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to the source, the Ukrainian troops blocked off the traffic between Krasnodon and Luhansk.
At the moment, a fierce battle is underway in the village of Khriashchuvate near Luhansk. The source added that here the separatists have built powerful fortifications.
The anti-terrorist operation (ATO) forces continue to methodically cut militants of the so-called “Luhansk People's Republic” in Luhansk off the border with Russia, Head of the Center for Military and Political Studies Dmytro Tymchuk reported this on his Facebook page.
"The ATO forces continue to actively to block Luhansk. Specifically, they are performing tasks near the villages of Khriaschevate and Novosvitlivka through which the M04 highway runs, connecting Luhansk with the rest of the territory controlled by the "LPC" and border crossing point Izvaryno on the border with Russia," Tymchuk wrote.
"Foreign convoys that are accompanied by the military and do not have a Red Cross mandate will be viewed by Ukraine as aggression and will get an adequate response." - Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) Information and Analysis Center spokesman Andriy Lysenko told this to reporters in Kyiv on Wednesday.

"Any convoys that are accompanied by the military or consist of the military, and do not have a mandate of the Red Cross and are not a humanitarian aid under its auspices, are viewed as aggressive forces, respectively, the reaction to it will be adequate," Lysenko said.
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